CfP: Bellies, Bodies, Policey. Embodied Environments between Catastrophes and Control (Event, 09/2014, Tallinn and Tartu); DL: 15.01.2014

Institutes of History at Tallinn and Tartu University & KAJAK (Estonian Centre for Environmental History) Time: 10-12 September 201412 September 2014 Venues: Tallinn and Tartu Deadline: 15 January 2014 Keynote: Verena Winiwarter: „The body moves, though slowly, towards desire.“ (Theodore Roethke). Sensitive and toxic bodies in environmental history „Environmental history goes through the belly“, said … CfP: Bellies, Bodies, Policey. Embodied Environments between Catastrophes and Control (Event, 09/2014, Tallinn and Tartu); DL: 15.01.2014 weiterlesen